Please no more outdated specifications

In today's blog post, I would like to advocate the creation of specifications. But not in the traditional way, but on the basis of workshops using agile methods.

The requirements specification plays a central role in software development. It defines the client's requirements and serves as the basis for subsequent project implementation. In traditional projects, the requirements specification is often created at the beginning of the project and contains detailed information about all the desired functions and features. However, this traditional approach poses numerous challenges that often lead to problems in practice. A modern, agile approach - e.g. in the form of workshops - can overcome many of these difficulties.

Disadvantages of the classic requirements specification

High planning effort at the start of the project. In the traditional approach, the requirements specification is often drawn up at the start of the project before the actual work begins. This describes all the requirements for the project in detail. The effort involved in creating this is enormous, as the client has to make many decisions at an early stage, even though the exact requirements are often not yet clear. This can lead to incorrect assumptions and incomplete specifications.

Danger of misunderstandings. The specification sheet is an attempt to record all requirements in writing, which often leads to interpretation problems. Complex wishes and technical details can be misunderstood or inadequately described. Such misunderstandings can lead to costly errors and delays in subsequent implementation.

Lack of flexibility. The rigid nature of a classic requirement specification leaves little room for adjustments during the course of the project. If new knowledge is gained or market requirements change, it is difficult to update the specifications accordingly. In traditional projects, this often leads to conflicts between client and contractor or to considerable additional costs for subsequent changes.

Limited user centricity. Traditional specification writing focuses heavily on technical specifications and less on the actual needs of the end user. The client formulates requirements that are often not sufficiently aligned with the user experience, which can lead to a product that fails to meet the needs of the target group.

Advantages of agile specification creation through workshops

Agile methods such as workshops rely on close cooperation between the client, developer and user. Requirements are developed step by step and together in regular workshops. This results in solutions that are better tailored to the actual needs of the users and the goals of the project. Misunderstandings and incorrect assumptions can be identified and corrected at an early stage.

High flexibility. In agile projects, the requirements specification is not viewed as a rigid document. Instead, it evolves over the course of the project. New requirements or market changes can be flexibly integrated. This iterative approach reduces the risk of ending up with a product that does not meet current requirements.

User-centered workshops make it possible to continuously incorporate feedback from end users into the requirements definition. This ensures that the end product meets the expectations of the target group. Agile methods promote a stronger focus on user-friendliness and maximizing the added value of the product.

Transparency and quick decisions. The close cooperation and constant exchange between all those involved means that decisions are made more quickly. Potential problems or misunderstandings can be discussed and resolved immediately within the team without the need for elaborately documented changes.

Less overhead and documentation effort. In agile projects, the focus is on the essentials. Instead of an extensive and often cumbersome specification sheet, lean, continuous documentation is created that develops dynamically with the project. This saves time and resources.

The traditional creation of requirement specifications is time-consuming and involves many risks due to the amount of planning involved. Agile methods such as workshops offer a much more dynamic and user-centered way of defining requirements. This approach reduces misunderstandings and time, increases flexibility and ensures that the end product meets user expectations. Let's pursue this approach together.

About the Author

Joerg Strothmann As a CTO with over 30 years of professional experience in hardware and software development at distributed locations (Europe and India), I have gained a lot of experience, which I like to share.

Joerg Strothmann